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Saturday, April 28, 2007
Reproductive Physiology
"You can sink yourself in reproduction, but I don't recommend it."

"Men, our sperm output is pathetic. Rabbits are better than us! Oh, except me, I'm a Kiwi..."

"If you were to palpate this stallion, and he only had one testicle, well, that would be bad."

"Messenger RNA... Gonadotrophins... Oh, everybody's gone to sleep."

"Well, if the male went 'tee ta tee ta tee ta' that was a much better male, and if he went 'tee ta tee ta tee ta tee ta', that was the one to pay attention to... You'd better believe that the female lizards are counting along with you."

"So think of pheromones and vocalisation as the perfume and soft music of the animal world.."

"...and this makes sense, considering what the penis is used for."

"So, the cow is 200 years pregnant, and... wait..."

"They'll have a deeper bark or miaow, and display testosterone-related antisocial behaviour, like territorial marking, fighting after the pubs close, etcetera..."

"She will try, and I quote, 'to kick his bloody head off'."

"Twins are baaad... very bad... super extra bad."

"You should treat your flora with great respect. Scrubbing is fine, but if you go to the jungle you will regret your hygiene."

"Whenever I drift off and start talking about whales, I could (almost) be talking about cows."

"But in mammals... mammals... even that word, maaaaahhhh-muuuuhhhlll..."

"In practice, the only animal you will not be required to work on is the species sitting next to you."

"You, it's like a sperm bank. In your vagina."

"And you lay your egg when YOU want to..."

"And while he's giving her the eye, he's also producing sperm. Lots of it."


OH thank you Jeni. I'm now inspired to study. heheheh. The Kiwi... speaking of which, you forgot the Stallion Condom one!
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! I love vet school!!! And I love you!!!

But I don't love studying.

American lyrics for you:
"I'm a God fearin, hard workin combine driver,
Hoggin up the road on my p-p-p-p-plower,
Chug-a-lug-a-luggin five miles an hour
On my International Harvester!!!" from a Craig Morgan song.

Yeeeeeehaw from America!
-K wi

(I just noticed I'm almost a Kiwi. G'day)

ps The security thing that I have to fill out to post on your blog is impossible to read. Dang it.
I am pretty sure I'm not mature enough for Reproductive Physiology. It apparently accentuates my giggling tendencies.

As does the course title, "Large Animal Surface and Topographical Anatomy."

(Reasons #687 and #688 why Bianca is not a vet). =P
Haha, I love going through your quotes, cause the profs seem to say the exact same thing every year.

And another one from repro that we got recently, regarding the electric anal probe used to collect a semen sample from a horse or cow when a girl gasped in horror:

"Don't knock it till you've tried it, Love!"

Haha. gotta love vet school :)

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